Podcast 28: The Human Microbiome. Probiotics and reinoculating the gut.
The 2007 NIH Human Microbiome Project launched a study to look at the correlation between the microbes that live on us and our overall health and wellness. The research has been amazing that shows the positive correlation between supporting these microbes and health. Research shows that there is an increase in weight for individuals that have been on long-term or broad spectrum antibiotics.
We are made up of 10 trillion human cells but we have about 100 trillion microbes on our body. This includes about 10,000 species. It is important to live in symbiosis with these microbes because they help us.
Probiotics are the microbes that are in the gut. The balance of them is important for overall gut health and immune support. I recommend that you take different probiotics with billions of microbes in them. You are going to want to switch them up. It is also important to eat fermented foods and prebiotics to support the overall health of your gut and body.
Remember to be kind to others, take care of yourself and make good choices.