Podcast 035: Pineal Gland and Sleep
Dr. Meaghan and Wendy talk about the connection of pineal gland and sleep. The pineal gland is a part of the brain that is known as “The Third Eye.” It is responsible for awareness, sleep, melatonin production, and hormonal changes.
A problem with this gland is that we are starting to notice that it is calcifying during life because of certain reasons. Therefore, sleep and life balance can be significantly affected by detoxifying the pineal gland. Decreasing fluoride exposure can help to do this because the gland is sensitive to fluoride.
It is also important to make sure that there is no heavy metal exposure, especially mercury and lead. If you have mercury amalgams than make sure that you get them looked at from a dentist that knows what they are doing with amalgams.
Oregano oil has been shown to decrease calcium and detoxify the pineal gland. Therefore, adding in oregano oil can make a huge difference. Because the pineal gland is responsible for awareness, yoga, mediation and other mind-body activities can greatly improve pineal gland health.
Other things that benefit the pineal gland are neem extract, spiraling and other chorella rich superfoods, raw cacao, and apple cider vinegar. The other nutrient that can help is iodine and seafood.
Other essential oils that help are frankincense, sandalwood, and cedar wood. These pineal gland stimulators will benefit the health of the pineal gland.
General detoxification programs will also help the Pineal Gland. Right now we have made our detoxification program for $19. Check it out at www.btbha.com.