Dr. Meaghan welcomes Dr. Kathy Gruver, PhD to Beyond the Basics Health Academy. Dr. Gruver joins us today to talk about the connection between the mind and body and the role of stress in disease and dysfunction.
It is thought that 60-80% of doctor’s visits are due to stress-related illnesses. Dr. Gruver talks to us about how stress perception is really at the wheel for a lot of the dysfunction that we experience.
In this podcast, we discuss
- The role stress has on our lives
- How our thoughts can change our response to stress
- What research has showed us about the effects of prayer
- Different alternative and holistic techniques that can help us deal with stress
Things mentioned in this podcast
- Dr. John Sarno Book Healing Back Pain: The Mind-Body Connection
- Website
- Dr. Kathy’s Blog about Conquering Stress
Thanks so much Dr. Kathy Gruver for coming on the show.
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Dr. Meaghan Kirschling,